Local Governments Working Together To Improve Perth Metropolitan Air Noise

Welcome to the website of the Perth Airports Municipalities Group Inc (PAMG). This website is designed to assist those within the local community who are impacted either directly or indirectly by airports situated in the Perth Metropolitan Area.

Although the PAMG is not a public forum, it encourages input form the local community through our member councils and their nominated delegates, and the Perth Airport Community Briefing Group (CBG).  The PAMG’s focus is to engage stakeholders in effective dialogue to raise mutual awareness of the impacts of airport operations and developments on the local community and vice versa and, where possible, seek acceptable outcomes which foster the co-existence of communities and airports.

Our website also provides information pertaining to the contact details of our member councils and for the various groups who deal with the different aspects of airports such as on/off airport development, aircraft noise and the environment, community consultation etc. and links to useful websites.

Community Websites

Perth Airport Community Briefing Group

Airservices Australia

Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO)

About Us

Mayor Robert Rossi, PAMG Chair – Delegate, City of Belmont

In 1981, a group of nine local governments formed a coalition as a result of community issues surrounding the redevelopment of Perth Airport. With the success of that coalition, the nine local governments determined in January 1983 to formally establish as the Perth Airports Municipalities Group. The Perth Airports Municipalities Group Inc (PAMG) is a not-for-profit association now comprising of twelve local government member councils.

The Group meet twice a year with stakeholders such as the operators of Perth Airport, Jandakot Airport, representatives from Airservices Australia and the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development & Cities to discuss matters which either directly or indirectly impact on the community such as aircraft noise, flight paths, off-airport development, on-airport development etc.

Our current Members are below.

Local government member councils